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Memo to self… land high!

Filed under: Mountain days — Hillclimb @ 07:04 pm

Hi Guys

My 2p worth was an absolute fantastic fun day. The site was absolutely stunning (the photos don’t do it justice) and we all got plenty of flying time. My first solo flight was going great until I went for an extra beat along the hill. This resulted in a lower than intended landing…. which actually reads …long sodding walk back up the hill!! However I did learn from that and all subsequent flights resulted in intentional higher landings (ie less walking) which I was really chuffed about. Under murray’s watchful eye, my confidence is growing all the time and ground handling is starting to show signs of competence … although a lot more practice is needed. The final flight was originally intended to be down into the northern valley but an increase in wind strength knocked that idea on the head. Murray offered a tandem flight down with the others but I was very aware of the wind strength and my genereal fatigue levels so i decided to call it quits & drive the pick up down instead. With hindsight this was a wise choice following the Nairns exploits :)) It just goes to show, you should always follow your instincts … !!

As fate would have it this decision meant I was on hand to “assist” Ian with his drag moment. Now I know why we wear helmets!!

The drive home was another 3 hours in the dark in my open top westfield se7en with no heater …. the suicidal deer had me going but was nothing compared to the black ice moment near kirkmichael …. i was grinning all the way home. Fleece-lined flight suits are just as good in se7ens as they are in flight …… ebay is your friend :))

Many thanks to Murray & the rest of the guys for their patience with the newbie.

PS – Come on guys, where’s all the photos :)))

1 Comment »

  1. Duncan posted a CD up from London which should arrive at PBM Photographic on Thurs or Fri, once I’ve edited the images in Photoshop I will add a few suitable ones into your post 🙂 I will also burn a CD to pass on to you at the next meet up (or post to you)


    Comment by Murray Hay — 06/12/2007 @ 01:04 am

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